
Please come visit the Goshala and experience GoMata Darshan!

Contact Shalini to schedule your visit and to get address & directions.
484.663.0507 voice/text

We are located near Elverson, PA, approximately 4 miles from
Exit 298 (Morgantown) of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Vrinda and Gauri love to have visitors! If you'd like to come meet them, please contact Shalini for directions. Visitors can offer the GoMatas treats, help bathe them (summer), help give them their dinner, brush them, we sing to them before leaving them for the night (chamara seva). Lalita Sahasranama is chanted for them every Friday evening. Any time of day is good for a visit in summertime, but in winter months, the best time of day to visit is late afternoon / early evening. This is when the girls come in from the pasture and go to bed for the night.

We also can arrange for GoMata Puja to be performed and you can attend in person or remotely via Zoom, FaceTime, etc. We can offer food in your name if you cannot visit in person on a special date.

  To schedule your visit to the Goshala,
  please contact Shalini at:
        484.663.0507 (voice or text)


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     news of upcoming events and new website postings.